The Postgraduate Medical Education Centre
University Hospitals Plymouth
Plymouth's Postgraduate Medical Centre’s (PGMC) main aim is to support Medical Education at University Hospital Plymouth NHS Trust. Due to unique way the centre was funded the Centre building is managed by UHP NHS Trust. It is managed and run by a registered charity. This has helped to enforce the ethos behind the development of the centre which is to provide a facility which exists for the purpose of delivering medical education teaching and courses.
We have a vision: To be a beacon of excellence in postgraduate medical education. We aim to be a hub of innovation and continuous improvement, collaborating with stakeholders and experts from across the UK - The golden rule for the centre is ‘Education is our priority’.
For opening times and more information on using our Centre please refer to the "Using our facilities" page
Why come and train at University Hospitals Plymouth
NHS Trust?
"Derriford is a hidden gem, I don't think people are aware of all the amazing opportunities available here" - Year 5 Medical Student

The Postgraduate Medical Centre can be found behind the Terrance Lewis Building on the grounds of UHP

The Postgraduate Medical Centre can be found behind the Terrance Lewis Building on the grounds of UHP
GMC National Training Survey
UHP as part of the Peninsula Deanery ranked within the top 5 in England for: Adequate Experience, Educational Governance, Induction, Local Teaching, Overall Satisfaction, Supportive Environment, and Teamwork. In addition, the Peninsula ranked first for Adequate Experience, Clinical Supervision, Curriculum Coverage, Education Supervision, Overall Satisfaction, and Supportive Environment.