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** Senior Staff Only**


PLEASE NOTE: This study leave guide and forms are for Senior Staff only

Welcome to the Senior Staff Study Leave Page

Below you will find links to the current forms needed to apply for study leave as well as all the information required to ensure your application is processed as quickly as possible with no queries.  These forms are for use by professors, consultants, associate specialists and specialty doctors.  All incorrect applications will be rejected.  This guidance has been put together to try and help make the application process as seamless as possible with no delays or queries.  The team at the PGMC are here to support your study leave and are working very hard to ensure your applications are processed as quickly as possible.  They will only query applications that do not align with trust policy.

All Senior Staff Study Leave applications and associated expense claims are dealt with by the PGMC SSSL administration team who can be contacted via email:

Important Information - please refer to the UHP Policy document (below) for the full SSSL policy and process

  • ALL study leave applications must go by email to your service line for approval who then send it on to us (PGMC) (via email to the above mentioned address) for processing. In addition you must still follow the processes expected by your service line for study leave. Please note: until you receive an approval confirmation email from the PGMC, your study leave remains unapproved!  In addition you must still follow the processes expected by your service line for study leave.

  • Expenses for retrospective study leave applications will not be paid unless there are exceptional circumstances. This has to be agreed by the Deputy Director of Medical Education

  • Senior Staff Study Leave expenses cannot be claimed for until after the study leave event has taken place and the leave must have been applied for and approved prior to attending.  Expense claims without prior study leave approval cannot be approved.

  • All expense applications must come direct to the PGMC and do not need to be signed off by your service line.

  • NO study leave expenses should be claimed on e-expenses for any reason. The allowances on e-expenses are different to Senior Staff Study Leave expenses and you may find that payroll will claim back the difference!

If you have any queries regarding Senior Staff Study Leave, please send an email to

Please do not send applications or queries regarding study leave any PGMC staff members personal NHS email addresses as they will not be actioned.

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